Motivation and Emotion
Dorsal habenula accumulates confidence of fighting experiences that is essential for winning a fight
○Ming-Yi Chou1, Ryunosuke Amo1, Hitoshi Okamoto1

The habenula connects the limbic forebrain with the midbrain and hindbrain and plays roles in behavioral responses by regulating dopaminergic and serotonergic activities. Aggression, a key component of the behavioral repertoire of animals, is important for competition over resources and mating opportunities and is crucial for survival. Adult zebrafish are territorial, show aggressive behavior, and establish dominant-subordinate. We have previously shown that impairment of lateral subnucleus of dorsal habenula (dHbL)-dorsal interpeduncular nucleus (dIPN) transmission caused defects in adaptive behavioral change based on experience-dependent re-evaluation of the aversive stimuli. In the present study, we further investigated that if this neural circuit is also important for the re-evaluation of the strength of the opponents. To test this possibility, we applied aggressive behavioral examination to a zebrafish transgenic line, Tg (narp:GAL4VP16; UAS:TeTxLC), in which the neural signal transmission by way of dHbL is selectively interrupted. The dHbL-silenced fish failed to accumulate confidences of fighting and as a result showed higher tendency to lose when they fought with their control siblings. Previous winning experience increases the probability of winning a subsequent fighting in control fish, however, the winner effects were disturbed in dHbL-silenced fish. Our findings suggest dHbL-dIPN circuit accumulates the confidence of fighting experiences and generates winner effects during zebrafish fighting.
Research on the underlying molecular mechanism of a zebrafish larvae choice behavior
○Fengjiao Chen1
Institutes of Brain Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China1

The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is emerging as a useful behavioral model of human anxiety. Zebrafish larvae spend more time in the brightly illuminated area when placed in a light/dark testing environment. In order to determine the underlying molecular and cellular identity of the neural circuitry we have studied this light/dark choice behavior in zebrafish larvae . We found that the anxiolytic drugs lorazepam and diazepam increased the time that larval fish spend in the dark environment. The anxiolytic drug treatments didn't significantly change the optokinetic and optomotor responses of the larval fish. These results suggest the light/dark choice behavior is related to the emotion- and/or motivation states of the larval fish. Then we examined the gene expression changes in fish larvae underwent light/dark choice. From using microarray analysis we have identified several gene candidates whose expression levels were altered in the fish underwent the light/dark choice. We have currently examining how the expressions of these gene candidates are modified in the specific regions of the brain. Then we found some special hormonal drugs may effect the zebrafish larvae choice behavior.
Subliminal emotional stimulus enhances cue-reward association learning

○渡邊言也1, 春野雅彦1
○Noriya Watanabe1, Masahiko Haruno1
情報通信研究機構 脳情報通信融合研究センター1
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology1

Learning does not only depend on rationality, because real-life learning cannot be isolated from emotion or social factors. Recently, we reported that the task-independent presentation of a fearful face prior to a reward-predicting cue increased the learning rates (ε) in the cue-reward association conditioning in human subjects compared with a neutral face. This enhancement was also correlated with the effect of amygdala activity on reward prediction error signal in the ventral striatum. However it remains unaddressed whether conscious or unconscious emotional perception is the main driving force of the acceleration of learning. To address this, we conducted a behavioral experiment of cue-reward association learning with short-time presentation (0.027 ~ 0.047 sec.) of emotional faces. Consistent with our previous study, the learning rate in fearful condition was higher compared with the one in neutral condition (N =50, p <0.05). Most importantly, the difference in learning rate between fearful and neutral conditions (εF - εN) was negatively correlated with the duration of face presentation (r =-0.292 p <0.05), therefore demonstrating that the enhancement of learning was significantly stronger with the subliminal presentation (less than 0.033 sec.) (εF > εN, N =12, p =0.01) than with the supraliminal presentation (more than 0.040 sec) (εF > εN, N =38, p >0.05). These results indicated that subthreshold processing in the brain is the major contributor to the enhancement of cue-reward association learning caused by the presentation of emotional stimulus.
涙は悲しみの認知を変調する: fMRI研究
Tears modulate recognition of sadness: an fMRI study

○高橋陽香1,2, 北田亮1, 佐々木章宏1, 川道拓東1, 定藤規弘1,2
○Haruka Takahashi1,2, Ryo Kitada1, Akihiro Sasaki1, Hiroaki Kawamichi1, Norihiro Sadato1,2
生理学研究所 大脳皮質機能研究系 心理生理学研究部門1, 総合研究大学院大学 生命科学研究科2
Division of Cerebral Integration, Department of Cerebral Research, National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan1, Department of Physiological Sciences, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan2

Tearing is one of the most powerful communication tools. According to previous studies, tears may elicit empathy of observers. It has been theorized that the empathy has both cognitive and affective components, but it is not uncovered how they interact nor the neural underpinning. To test the hypothesis that observation of tears triggers the cognitive process that interacts with affective system, we conducted fMRI with 16 female normal participants. During the scan, subjects evaluated the emotional intensity of the faces of sad expressions with and without tear, and of the faces of neutral emotion with and without tear, constituting the 2 (Facial expression) x 2 (tears) design. Behavioral results confirmed that the presence of tear increased the intensity of sadness in the person, regardless of facial expressions. Faces expressing sadness activated the medial orbitofrontal cortex (mOFC). Tears activated the bilateral posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS) and the mOFC. Connectivity analysis revealed that the coupling of left pSTS and mOFC was enhanced by sad factor. This is alternately interpreted that the neural response of the mOFC to recognition of sadness is modulated by the left pSTS. As the pSTS was activated by tears, the interaction of the left pSTS and the mOFC represent the tear effect, that is, enhanced evaluation of sadness by tears. The mOFC is associated with induced sadness, representing the affective processing. Tears serve as a symbol for suffering with an intention to request help. Thus, the activation of the pSTS may represent the cognitive processing of perspective-taking of others that is triggered by tears. Connectivity analysis results are interpreted that the activation of the mOFC by recognition of sadness was enhanced by the activation of pSTS reflecting perspective-taking. Thus, the interaction of the pSTS and the mOFC may represent the coupling system of cognitive and affective process, that is, cognitive empathy.
The quantitative change during the emotional information processing related to psychosomatic states revealed by EEG sLORETA analysis

○池田俊一郎1, 石井良平1, 青木保典1, 畑真弘1, 岩瀬真生1水野-松本由子4, 林拓世5, 岡本永佳4, 浅川徹也4, 武田雅俊1
○Shunichiro Ikeda1, Ryouhei Ishii1, Yasunori Aoki1, Masahiro Hata1, Masao Iwase1, Roberto Pascual-Marqui2,3, Yuko Mizuno-Matsumoto4, Takuto Hayashi5, Eika Okamoto4, Tetsuya Asakawa4, Masatoshi Takeda1
大阪大学大学院医学系研究科精神医学教室1, 滋賀医科大学地域精神医療学講座2, 兵庫県立大学大学院応用情報科学研究科4, 藍野大学医療保健学部臨床工学科5
Department of Psychiatry, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine1, Department of Community Psychiatric Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Scienc2, The KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Zurich3, Graduate School of Applied Informatics, University of Hyogo4, Department of Medical Engineering, Aino University5

the quantitative change during the emotional information processing related to psychosomatic states revealed by EEG sLORETA analysis
Genetic analyses on tame behavior using wild-derived mice

○後藤達彦1,2, 小出剛1
○Tatsuhiko Goto1,2, Tsuyoshi Koide1
遺伝研・マウス開発1, 情報・システム研・新領域融合研究センター2
MGRL, National Institute of Genetics, Mishima1, Res Org Info Sys, Trans Res Integ Cent, Tokyo2

It is proposed that laboratory strains have been established from domesticated mice. The domesticated mice were originated in wild mice, but the actual process for domestication remains unclear. In order to understand the genetic basis of domestication in mice, we focus on tame behaviors evaluated by newly-developed handling tests. Our previous analyses with inbred strains revealed that tame behaviors are typical quantitative traits, and their heritability is estimated as 33-62%. To reveal genetic loci contributing to the tame behavior, we are trying to map loci using new genetic mapping resource, wild-derived heterogeneous stocks. The stocks are originated in eight wild-derived strains, MSM, HMI, BLG2, PGN2, KJR, CHD, NJL, and BFM/2. In the course of establishment, mice were randomly crossed in each generation, but one group of the stocks will be selected for tame behavior even though the other stock will not. Once we observed significant deviation of tame behavior of mice in the selected stock comparing to the control stock, we will perform genotyping using 77K SNPs array covering the entire genome. SNPs pattern of the eight founder strains suggested that we can analyze genome-wide SNPs efficiently using this array. The genetic analyses using the stocks will lead us to conduct high-resolution genetic mapping of tame behavior in mice.
EEG study for emotional evaluation of Japanese TV commercial images

○有吉智貴1, サクリアニサクティ1, ニュービッググラム1, 戸田智基1, 中村哲1
○Tomoki Ariyoshi1, Sakti Sakriani1, Graham Neubig1, Tomoki Toda1, Satoshi Nakamura1
奈良先端科学技術大学院大学 情報科学研究科1
Nara Institute of Science and Technology1

Buying tendency of people is correlated with arousal that is one of emotional strength. It is important socially for the visual media such as TV commercials and movies to evaluate emotional impression. Basically there is a service to pre-evaluate and pre-diagnose the visual media such as TV commercials. However, current method of this service is only subjective evaluation. In this study, we focus on electroencephalogram (EEG) for emotion recognition and our purpose is to automatically evaluate pictures and movies by using machine learning techniques from EEG data. EEG is enabled to measure in real-time, and this data indicates response to stimulus in real-time and is objective. We can evaluate including the objective factor of brain activity. We will classify emotions into values of valence and arousal. We propose to adopt Self-Assessment Manikin scales to measure values of valence and arousal. When EEG data is associated with this subjective evaluation, we can evaluate objectively to use only EEG data. We chose about 100 images from International Affective Picture System as training data and chose images from these training data and 20 screenshots of TV commercials as test data. Finally, we tested whether this system after learning can evaluate TV commercial in real-time. Frequency analysis for EEG data is wavelet transform, and environmental noise and drifts are removed by applying band-pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 0.2Hz to 45Hz. Features of EEG data are statistical powers of data of each channels after frequency analysis. Additionally, we proposed to improve neural network as classifier in previous study. This neural network in previous study is back propagation network which is known multilayer perception neural network. In our study, neural network using deep learning is adopted. We discuss improvement of classification accuracy.
Overexpression of shati/nat8l in the dorsal striatum affects emotional behaviors via dysfunction of serotonergic neuronal system in mice

○宮本嘉明1, 家垣典幸1, 鷲見和之1, 石川雄大1, 古田幸也1, 日比陽子2, 村松慎一3, 鍋島俊隆4, 宇野恭介1, 新田淳美1
○Yoshiaki Miyamoto1, Noriyuki Iegaki1, Kazuyuki Sumi1, Yudai Ishikawa1, Tatsuya Furuta1, Yoko Hibi2, Shin-ichi Muramatsu3, Toshitaka Nabeshima4, Kyosuke Uno1, Atsumi Nitta1
富山大院・医薬(薬)・薬物治療学1, 名古屋大院・医・医療薬学・附属病院薬剤部2, 自治医大・神経内科学3, 名城大・薬・地域医療薬局学4
Dept of Pharm Therapy and Neuropharmacol, Fac of Pharm Sci, Grad Sch of Med and Pharm Sci, Univ of Toyama, Toyama, JAPAN1, Dept of Neuropsychopharmacol and Hosp Pharm, Nagoya Univ Grad Sch of Med, Nagoya, JAPAN2, Div of Neurol, Dept of Med, Jichi Med Univ, Shimotsuke, JAPAN3, Dept of Regional Pharm Care and Sci, Fac of Pharm Sci, Meijo Univ, Nagoya, JAPAN4

We previously identified a novel molecule shati/nat8l from the brain of psychotic animal model. Recently, shati/nat8l was certified to be an N-acetyl transferase that synthesized N-acetylaspartate from L-aspartate and acetyl-CoA. In addition, it was reported that N-acetylaspartate concentration decreased in the postmortem brain of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. However, the function of shati/nat8l has not been clarified in the brain. In the present study, we investigated the roles of striatal shati/nat8l in psychosis-related behaviors.
We bilaterally injected adenoassociated virus (AAV)-shati/nat8l or AAV-Mock vector into the dorsal striatum of male C57BL/6J mice. The expression levels of shati/nat8l mRNA in AAV-shati/nat8l vector-injected mice were assessed at about seven times in the dorsal striatum compared with that in control AAV-Mock vector-injected mice. Shati/nat8l-overexpressed mice exhibited decreased approach time to the stranger mouse in the three chamber social interaction test. Shati/nat8l-overexpressed mice also showed increased immobility time in the tail suspension and forced swimming tests. All above behavioral impairments in shati/nat8l-overexpressed mice were attenuated by treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluvoxamine, at the dose of 10 mg/kg that has no effect in control mice. Furthermore, in vivo brain microdialysis, the basal extracellular levels of serotonin in the dorsal striatum of shati/nat8l-overexpressed mice were significantly lower than that of control mice.
These findings suggest that overexpression of shati/nat8l in the dorsal striatum induces diminished social interaction and depression-like behavior through the decline of serotonin neurotransmission.
Behavioral abnormalities and rescue by oxytocin in Cd157/BST1 knockout mice

○西村倫子1, , 吉原亨1, 東田知陽1横山茂1, 石原克彦2, 東田陽博1
○Tomoko Nishimura1, Olga Lopatina1, Toru Yoshihara1, Chiharu Higashida1, Mingkun Liang1, Jing Zhong1, Shigeru Yokoyama1, Katsuhiko Ishihara2, Haruhiro Higashida1
金沢大学 子どものこころの発達研究センター1, 川崎医科大学 免疫学教室2
Research Center for Child Mental Development, Kanazawa University, Ishikawa, Japan1, Department of Immunology and Molecular Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School, Okayama, Japan2

CD157, bone marrow stroma cell antigen-1 (BST-1), is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol- anchored glycoprotein, a family of the CD38 ecto-enzyme with ADP-ribosyl cyclase activity. CD157 has variety roles in rheumatoid, neutrophil transmigration, progression of leukemia, and intestinal stem cell function under calorie restriction. However, the function of CD157 in the neurological and neuroendocrinological systems is totally unknown. Here, we show that Cd157 deficient (Cd157-/-) male mice had no apparent motor disfunction, but exhibited depression-like behavior compared to wild-type control mice. In addition, we report effects of oxytocin administration on emotional behavior in Cd157-/- mice. The results reveal that role of CD157/BST-1 in psychiatric may be involved in neuropsychiatric symptoms in neurodevelopmental and/or neurodegenerative disorders.
不安様行動におけるCCKA、CCKB 受容体の異なる役割
Behavioral and cortical EEG evaluations confirm the roles of both CCKA and CCKB receptors in mouse CCK-induced anxiety

○李コウ1, 太田英伸1, 泉仁美1, 松田芳樹1, 関美佳1, 戸田宜子1, 秋山美沙紀1, 松島由紀子1, 加我牧子1, 稲垣真澄1
○Heng Li1, Hidenobu Ohta1, Hitomi Izumi1, Yoshiki Matsuda1, Mika Seki1, Takako Toda1, Misaki Akiyama1, Yukiko Matsushima1, Makiko Kaga1, Masumi Inagaki1
国立精神・神経医療研究センター 精神保健研究所 知的障害研究部1
Dept Developmental Disorders, National Institute of Mental Health, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry, Tokyo1

This study investigated the roles of cholecystokinin A (CCKA) and CCKB receptors on CCK-4-induced anxiety-like behaviors in mice through behavioral and neural evaluations. Anxiety-like behaviors in mice were induced by an intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of CCK-4, which can bind to both CCKA and CCKB receptors. The effects of CCKA and CCKB receptors antagonists (devazepide and CI-988, respectively) were examined using mouse anxiety tests (elevated plus maze and light-dark box) and also by examining neuronal activities through EEG monitoring and c-fos immunohistochemistry in the cortex and amygdala. CCK-4 significantly induced mouse anxiety like behaviors in the anxiety tests and also affected their EEG patterns with respect to pre-drug tracing, resulting in increase in spectral power in relative power distribution in the delta and theta bands (0.5-5 Hz frequency bands) and also in increase in c-fos immunopositive neuron counts. These CCK-4 effects were completely suppressed by 1.0 mg/kg CCKB receptor antagonist, CI-988, while the same amount of CCKA receptor antagonist, devazepide was partly able to suppress the same effects. These findings indicated that not only CCKB receptors but also CCKA receptors in the brain play important roles in regulating anxiety-like behaviors in mice. The present study also proposed a possibility that cortical EEG is useful for assessing anxiety.
EEG Alpha and beta power characteristics in high body dissatisfaction women

○長畑萌1, 石金浩史2
○Moe Nagahata1, Hiroshi Ishikane2
専修大学大学院 文学研究科 心理学専攻1, 専修大学 人間科学部 心理学科2
Dept Psychol, Grad Sch Humanities, Senshu Univ, Kanagawa1, Dept Psychol, Sch Human Science, Senshu Univ, Kanagawa2

Some previous studies have found significant associations between EEG abnormalities and body mass index (BMI) in eating disorders. However, little is known about the relationship between background EEGs and eating behavior of healthy volunteers. In the present study, we investigated that EEG alpha and beta power in female undergraduate participants, without eating disorders that volunteered.Undergraduate volunteers (all females) took part in the experiment. The questionnaires were EDI-91, which measures eating disorder tendency.The task was visual search. The pictorial stimuli from three categories were used: body, architect (neutral), and artifact (neutral). Before and after the task, the white cross showed the center of screen, and participants were asked to look at the white cross. The electrodes were positioned according to the International 10-20 System. The electrode sites making up each region were as follows : frontal (Fz), central (C3,C4), temporal (T5,T6), Occipital(Pz). Power spectral analysis was performed on 4-second interval of before and after experiment by a Fast Fourier Transform. The resulting power spectra were then averaged over three frequency bands: theta (4-7.5Hz), alpha(8-13Hz), and beta(14.5-30Hz), and for each electrode position. Relative power of each frequency band was examined to investigate background EEGs of healthy volunteers.The participants were divided into BD high and low group. In BD high group, there were significant positive correlations BMI and alpha power, and negative correlation between BMI and beta power rate of variability. These results suggest that people with high BD and low BMI have higher tenseness. These results are consistent with those obtained from volunteers with eating disorders. And they become more tense after seeing body-related information than before.

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